connectionParameter - string parameters that is passed to the NetConnection#connect(url, arg) method
stream - published stream name
audioCodec - audio codec to use, supported codecs are: na (Nellymoser ASAO), speex (Speex)
videoSource - video source to use, supported sources are: desktop (to capture whole desktop),
desktopx (to capture desktop region)
videoCodec - video codec to use, supported codecs are svc1 (ScreenVideo1), svc2 (ScreenVideo2)
videoFrameRate - video frame rate (in frames per second)
videoKeyFrameInterval - video key frame interval (in seconds), i.e. applet forces the encoder to send key
frame every 'videoKeyFrameInterval' seconds
theme - define theme file path. Theme let you customize UI view.
If not defined then default theme is used (Windows 3.11 style)
connectionMaxUploadBandwidth - specifies connection's max upload bandwidth, the applet tries to do not exceed this
value by skipping frames if necessary
connectionAdjustMaxUploadBandwidth - set "yes" to let applet increase 'connectionMaxUploadBandwidth' if
real connection bandwidth is higher than defined in the parameter above
debug - set "yes" to enable context menu that appears on the center image right mouse click
Applet methods
Methods are applet methods that can be invoked by JavaScript.
configureVideoEncoder(String id) - configures video encoder
configureVideoSource(String id) - configures video source